Painting & Sculpture

Painting & Sculpture At Starlight Academy

Starlight Academy offers painting and sculpture courses for college credits on the stunning island of Paros, Greece, through the Starlight Academy International Studies in the arts Students learn from experienced professional teachers in a vibrant artistic environment, enhancing their skills while surrounded by breathtaking landscapes. This unique program combines academic rigor with cultural immersion, allowing students to explore their creativity and gain valuable insights into the art world, all while enjoying the island’s serene atmosphere.

Be GuidedIndividually

Our tailored approach begins with thorough assessments, guiding individualized and group art painting programs. Through our tailored approach, each student receives personalized attention and care to address their unique needs and challenges. Our experienced teachers conduct thorough assessments, creating customized plans that focus on your goals.

The Importance of One-On-One Tutoring

Starlight Academy offers personalized art painting tutoring on the picturesque Greek island of Paros. Students learn from experienced instructors while immersed in the island’s vibrant culture, enhancing their skills in a stunning Mediterranean setting.